Friday, August 19, 2005

latest update:

Tyler: 0

I just went tumbling backwards out of my chair onto the floor because as I rolled backwards away from my desk, the wheels of my chair got stuck on my sweatshirt hanging over the back. i guess it's a little too long & hangs lower than I realized. i should start a cubicle-gymnastics routine. it could also involve balancing on top of the wheelie chair, interpretive spin-dancing, and perhaps some sort of pommel-horse-style exercise...

Letter to my coworkers/friends from the Black Panthers

Greetings Fellow Activists; I just wanted to extend this email of support to the organizers of the Peace and Unity Vigil. It was very disappointing to hear the remarks of Rev. Willie Wilson against Lesbians and the Gay Community. Our communities are already split and divided by so many different things, we don't need this type division. We commend you in your efforts to unite and especially for praying for Rev. Wilson and his congregation. Instead of protesting and causing a further division it is very noble of you to seek a peaceful resolution. We certainly hope that Rev. Wilson will make a heartfelt apology to the Lesbian community and NOT give birth to a more violent homophobic movement in our Nations Capitol.

The National Alliance of Black Panthers believes in the rights of all human beings and though our focus is on the Black community we are open to working with all people and our community services are available to all people who might need them. Our second in command and Chief of Staff is an open Lesbian as well as our National Secretary. We have received a lot of heat and jabs from other Black organizations but we persevere because we are following a higher mission than they. We proudly stand in solidarity with you here in the Nations Capitol.

Sister Shazza Nzingha
National Alliance of Black Panthers
Washington, DC
(202) 256-7578

New Mustardiiiiiiiiieeete!! :)

How do you feel about Pirates:
I used to have a completely unreasonable fear of being madeto walk the plank someday and because of this I think they'regenerally scary, my favorite pirates are the ones in Peter Pan andSwiss Family Robinson. But last summer I visited a pirate cove on theeast coast of nicragua which was awesome.

What is your Position on cheese:
been hankering to make some of my own recently,maybe if I found a nice supportive environment I'd finally get to it

Who framed Roger Rabbit:
No No, not the DIP! (I own it)

Is elf the best movie ever:
this is a trick question right? the best movie ever made wasRobin Hood, Disney's animated version with the foxes (admit it, we allhad crushes on them)

Favorite random animal:
Saber-tooth tigermost

Recent literature fixation:
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

An Ambition you would like to put some time into:
aside from making cheese I want to start podcasting soon,doing a bit of research right now but soon

Where did you grow up:
I'm a California bum born and raised in San Francisco, went to JuniorHigh and highschool in southern california and back to school inBerkeley. Right now I work for and I love it, so thats that I think, thanks for that fun little application...

Yay Everything!

I TOTALLY want to go camping, but the 10th is my friend Rachel's bachelorette party/bridal shower, which absolutely cannot be missed by me. Or Lisa. What about the 17th/18th?

I would also love the 1st weekend in Oct.

I also enjoy bowling, but suck at mini golf. That does not mean that I'm not game though. I especially enjoy mini-golfing when it involves pirate ships. And when i'm in a bad mood so i can throw tantrums.

I also like picking fruits. yay everything!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Posting of things

So... i think it's cool that we've got a mechanism to capture our randomness that happens in e-mail and publish it (perhaps with an occaional edit of toolsheds or other things...) to the mustard blog. If people thing this is a strange crossover the idea can be completely edited out of the blogosphere, but I think it could be fodder for creating more current content for our wonderful, amazing fantastic entry into the information superhighway... who knows... maybe one day it will be transmitted into outerspace like our craigslist open house post!!!!!


so i just tripped over my keyboard cord...

for the millionth time and this time actually broke the keyboard. luckily there's a stash of spare keyboards, so i went and got the one i had switched out originally because a couple of keys stuck. fortunately, the keyboard learned from its exile and now the keys work just fine. that will show stubborn keyboards who's boss! oh... and i moved my hard drive so that the cord isn't constantly dangling under my feet anymore... ;) but the big boss walked by while my head was under my desk and my ass was out in the air and she laughed at me. partially because i had banged my knee badly on my desk & cursed loudly the last time she walked by... and the score as it currently stands:
Cubicle: 2
Tyler: 0


so, um... i hate being at work today. even though i'm listening to a new CD I'm obsessed with: Mobius Band (college classmates of mine). I miss you guys! it was good to see mer, lisa, & shelly last night amidst the bevy of applicants. and i get to see john & lynsey (and maybe more) tonight! i'm wearing a hat to work today. oh, and i also recommend Broken Flowers. still haven't seen Murderball yet, though i really really want to. i'm excited to see Brothers Grimm when it comes out... can you tell i'd rather be watching movies right now?... i think we should send our blog link to cheese on bread. ;)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

And there was...

rolling around on the ground in the front yard. Posted by Picasa

the f***ing party

this party rox i dunno why I'm upstairs when bloodsugars are playin!!!!!

Friday, August 05, 2005