Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Stair Monsters

So first they put me in this little cage. None of the comforts of home. And then everything's jiggling around and i can hear the grey one, but can't tell what's going on. Then we get let out and after some careful surveying I decide this is ok. Food. Check. Fresh filtered water. Check. Appropriate place to do my business. Check. And there are these great bird and tree shows, big screen with a 180 degree view, so we're entertained. Also more mice than you can shake a stick at, but that's not really my thing. The grey one goes for that more. So the hairless pink ones are up their for awhile. And as irritating as they can be, they're good to have around. Then they leave and I hear the monsters. And these are no little creepy crawlies, we're talking huge slavering beasts pounding up the stairs. I keep telling the hairless pink ones about it, but do they listen? Of course not. They just show up and pet me and take off again. I've been doing my own investigations. I haven't caught them yet. But stair monsters of the world beware!!!

1 comment:

~ J ~ said...

another great post!! Thanks!